M .config/aerc/accounts.conf +11 -5
@@ 1,9 1,12 @@
-source = imaps://pjs%40petersanchez.com@mail.netlandish.com
-outgoing = smtp://pjs%40petersanchez.com@mail.netlandish.com
+#source = maildir:///home/pjs/.mail/pjs-petersanchez.com
+source = notmuch://~/.mail/pjs-petersanchez.com
+maildir-store = ~/.mail/pjs-petersanchez.com
+outgoing = msmtp -a pscom
default = INBOX
from = "Peter Sanchez" <pjs@petersanchez.com>
-copy-to = Sent
+copy-to = sent
+postpone = drafts
cache-headers = true
outgoing-cred-cmd = /usr/bin/secret-tool lookup email pjs@petersanchez.com
source-cred-cmd = /usr/bin/secret-tool lookup email pjs@petersanchez.com
@@ 13,11 16,14 @@ pgp-opportunistic-encrypt=false
-source = imaps://peter%40netlandish.com@imap.gmail.com
-outgoing = smtps://peter%40netlandish.com@smtp.gmail.com
+# source = maildir:///home/pjs/.mail/peter-netlandish.com
+source = notmuch://~/.mail/peter-netlandish.com
+maildir-store = ~/.mail/peter-netlandish.com
+outgoing = msmtp -a netlandish
default = INBOX
from = "Peter Sanchez" <peter@netlandish.com>
cache-headers = true
+postpone = drafts
outgoing-cred-cmd = /usr/bin/secret-tool lookup email peter@netlandish.com
source-cred-cmd = /usr/bin/secret-tool lookup email peter@netlandish.com
M .config/aerc/binds.conf +10 -7
@@ 54,9 54,9 @@ zR = :unfold -a<Enter>
B = :view -b<Enter>
#d = :prompt 'Really delete this message?' 'delete-message'<Enter>
#D = :delete<Enter>
-d = :read<Enter>:mv Trash<Enter>
-e = :read<Enter>:mv Archive<Enter>
-S = :read<Enter>:mv Junk<Enter>
+d = :read<Enter>:mv trash<Enter>
+e = :read<Enter>:mv archive<Enter>
+S = :read<Enter>:mv junk<Enter>
H = :read<Enter>:mv INBOX<Enter>
u = :unread<Enter>
a = :archive flat<Enter>
@@ 75,7 75,8 @@ c = :cf<space>
! = :term<space>
| = :pipe<space>
-/ = :search<space>
+#/ = :search<space>
+/ = :query -f -n "Search Results" -a Personal<Space>
\ = :filter<space>
n = :next-result<Enter>
N = :prev-result<Enter>
@@ 101,10 102,10 @@ ga = :flag<Enter>:pipe -mb git am -3<Ent
gp = :term git push<Enter>
gl = :term git log<Enter>
<Enter> = :recall<Enter>
d = :prompt 'Really delete this message?' 'delete-message'<Enter>
@@ 213,8 214,10 @@ R = :header -f X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Upda
A = :pipe -m khard add-email -a netlandish<Enter>
d = :read<Enter>:mv Trash<Enter>
-e = :read<Enter>:mv "[Gmail]/All Mail"<Enter>
+#e = :read<Enter>:mv "[Gmail]/All Mail"<Enter>
+e = :read<Enter>:mv archive<Enter>
S = :read<Enter>:mv Junk<Enter>
+/ = :query -f -n "Search Results" -a Netlandish<Space>
<Enter> = :recall<Enter>
A => .config/notmuch/default/config +97 -0
@@ 0,0 1,97 @@
+# .notmuch-config - Configuration file for the notmuch mail system
+# For more information about notmuch, see http://notmuchmail.org
+# Database configuration
+# The only value supported here is 'path' which should be the top-level
+# directory where your mail currently exists and to where mail will be
+# delivered in the future. Files should be individual email messages.
+# Notmuch will store its database within a sub-directory of the path
+# configured here named ".notmuch".
+# User configuration
+# Here is where you can let notmuch know how you would like to be
+# addressed. Valid settings are
+# name Your full name.
+# primary_email Your primary email address.
+# other_email A list (separated by ';') of other email addresses
+# at which you receive email.
+# Notmuch will use the various email addresses configured here when
+# formatting replies. It will avoid including your own addresses in the
+# recipient list of replies, and will set the From address based on the
+# address to which the original email was addressed.
+name=Peter Sanchez
+# Configuration for "notmuch new"
+# The following options are supported here:
+# tags A list (separated by ';') of the tags that will be
+# added to all messages incorporated by "notmuch new".
+# Maildir compatibility configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# synchronize_flags Valid values are true and false.
+# If true, then the following maildir flags (in message filenames)
+# will be synchronized with the corresponding notmuch tags:
+# Flag Tag
+# ---- -------
+# D draft
+# F flagged
+# P passed
+# R replied
+# S unread (added when 'S' flag is not present)
+# The "notmuch new" command will notice flag changes in filenames
+# and update tags, while the "notmuch tag" and "notmuch restore"
+# commands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames
+# Search configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# exclude_tags
+# A ;-separated list of tags that will be excluded from
+# search results by default. Using an excluded tag in a
+# query will override that exclusion.
+# Cryptography related configuration
+# The following *deprecated* option is currently supported:
+# gpg_path
+# binary name or full path to invoke gpg.
+# NOTE: In a future build, this option will be ignored.
+# Setting $PATH is a better approach.
A => .config/notmuch/netlandish/config +97 -0
@@ 0,0 1,97 @@
+# .notmuch-config - Configuration file for the notmuch mail system
+# For more information about notmuch, see http://notmuchmail.org
+# Database configuration
+# The only value supported here is 'path' which should be the top-level
+# directory where your mail currently exists and to where mail will be
+# delivered in the future. Files should be individual email messages.
+# Notmuch will store its database within a sub-directory of the path
+# configured here named ".notmuch".
+# User configuration
+# Here is where you can let notmuch know how you would like to be
+# addressed. Valid settings are
+# name Your full name.
+# primary_email Your primary email address.
+# other_email A list (separated by ';') of other email addresses
+# at which you receive email.
+# Notmuch will use the various email addresses configured here when
+# formatting replies. It will avoid including your own addresses in the
+# recipient list of replies, and will set the From address based on the
+# address to which the original email was addressed.
+name=Peter Sanchez
+# Configuration for "notmuch new"
+# The following options are supported here:
+# tags A list (separated by ';') of the tags that will be
+# added to all messages incorporated by "notmuch new".
+# Maildir compatibility configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# synchronize_flags Valid values are true and false.
+# If true, then the following maildir flags (in message filenames)
+# will be synchronized with the corresponding notmuch tags:
+# Flag Tag
+# ---- -------
+# D draft
+# F flagged
+# P passed
+# R replied
+# S unread (added when 'S' flag is not present)
+# The "notmuch new" command will notice flag changes in filenames
+# and update tags, while the "notmuch tag" and "notmuch restore"
+# commands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames
+# Search configuration
+# The following option is supported here:
+# exclude_tags
+# A ;-separated list of tags that will be excluded from
+# search results by default. Using an excluded tag in a
+# query will override that exclusion.
+# Cryptography related configuration
+# The following *deprecated* option is currently supported:
+# gpg_path
+# binary name or full path to invoke gpg.
+# NOTE: In a future build, this option will be ignored.
+# Setting $PATH is a better approach.
M .localbashrc +1 -0
@@ 24,6 24,7 @@ alias fm='vifmrun'
alias shmount='mount -t ext4,tmpfs,hfsplus,fuseblk | column -t'
alias cpatch='sed -e "s/^+.*$/`tput setf 6 bold`&`tput sgr0`/" \
-e "s/^-.*$/`tput setf 4 bold`&`tput sgr0`/"'
+alias nlnotmuch='NOTMUCH_PROFILE=netlandish notmuch '
alias ap='/usr/bin/ag --python '
alias ag='/usr/bin/ag --go '
M bin/syncmail.sh +25 -28
@@ 1,44 1,41 @@
-# sync offlineimap if you have connection to the internet
-# and you can ping your imap server successfully.
+# Sync email if you have an internet connection and can ping the IMAP server.
-mailsync="/usr/bin/mbsync -q PeterPS PeterIM PeterNL-inbox"
+#mailsync="/usr/bin/mbsync -V -DM PeterPS PeterNL" # DEBUG
+mailsync="/usr/bin/mbsync -q PeterPS PeterNL"
updatesearch="/usr/bin/notmuch new"
# Don't run fetch?
-if [ -f $runfetchflag ]; then
+if [ -f "$runfetchflag" ]; then
exit 0
-imapactive=$(ps -ef | grep '[m]bsync' | wc -l)
-netactive=$(ping -c3 $imapserver >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo up || echo down)
+imapactive=$(pgrep -x mbsync >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 1 || echo 0)
+netactive=$(ping -c3 "$imapserver" >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo up || echo down)
-# kill mbsync if active
-case $imapactive in
+# Kill mbsync if active
+if [ "$imapactive" -eq 1 ]; then
killall mbsync && sleep 5
-# Check that you can access the SMTP server
-case $netactive in
+# Check if network is up
+if [ "$netactive" = "up" ]; then
echo > ~/.config/.maildl
pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks
+ #$mailsync > /home/pjs/mailsynclog.txt 2>&1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- $updatesearch
- cat /dev/null > ~/.config/.maildl
- pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks
- else
- echo "ERROR $?" > ~/.config/.maildl
- pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ for profile in "default" "netlandish"; do
+ NOTMUCH_PROFILE=$profile $updatesearch
+ done
+ : > ~/.config/.maildl # Clears the file
+ pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks
+ else
+ echo "ERROR $?" > ~/.config/.maildl
+ pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks
- :