Updates for Sendy 5.2.5
4 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

M sendy/__init__.py
M sendy/api.py
M README.md +4 -1
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@ sendypy [![nlshield](https://img.shields
 Simple module to interface with the Sendy API (<https://sendy.co/api>)
-**Version:** 5.0
+**Version:** 5.2.5
 **Project Links:** [Issues][issues] - [Mailing List][pinbox] -

@@ 126,6 126,9 @@ Sendy install.
 		track_opens=1, # defaults to 1, set to 0 do disable
+		"query_string"='extra data',
+		"schedule_date_time"='June 15, 2021 6:05pm',
+        "schedule_timezone"='America/New_York',
 # Contributing

M README.rst +48 -45
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@ sendypy |nlshield|
 Simple module to interface with the Sendy API (https://sendy.co/api)
-**Version:** 5.0
+**Version:** 5.2.5
 **Project Links:**
 `Issues <https://todo.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendypy>`__ -

@@ 43,19 43,19 @@ PIP:
-    pip install sendypy
+   pip install sendypy
 Basic Manual Install:
-    $ python setup.py build
-    $ sudo python setup.py install
+   $ python setup.py build
+   $ sudo python setup.py install
 Alternative Install (Manually):
 Place sendy directory in your Python path. Either in your Python
-installs site-packages directory or set your $PYTHONPATH environment
+installs site-packages directory or set your \\$PYTHONPATH environment
 variable to include a directory where the impersonate directory lives.

@@ 68,11 68,11 @@ Usage is simple :
-    from sendy.api import SendyAPI
-    api = SendyAPI(
-         host='https://your-sendy-install.com/sendy/',
-         api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
-    )
+   from sendy.api import SendyAPI
+   api = SendyAPI(
+        host='https://your-sendy-install.com/sendy/',
+        api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
+   )
 You can also provide the optional ``debug`` variable (defaults to
 False). This will print debug into to stdout when sending a request to

@@ 82,13 82,13 @@ your Sendy install.
-    api.subscribe(
-        'list_id_here',
-        'email@address.com',
-        'optional first name',
-        optional_field=value,
-        ...
-    )
+   api.subscribe(
+       'list_id_here',
+       'email@address.com',
+       'optional first name',
+       optional_field=value,
+       ...
+   )
 *Optional fields*

@@ 104,48 104,51 @@ your Sendy install.
-    api.unsubscribe('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+   api.unsubscribe('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
 **Delete** :
-    api.delete('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+   api.delete('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
 **Subscription Status** :
-    api.subscription_status('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+   api.subscription_status('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
 **Subscriber Count** :
-    api.subscriber_count('list_id_here')
+   api.subscriber_count('list_id_here')
 **Create Campaign** :
-    api.create_campaign(
-        from_name='Your Name',
-        from_email='Your Sender Email',
-        reply_to='Your Reply-to Email',
-        title='Your Email Title',
-        subject='Your Email Subject',
-        plain_text='Plain Text Email Body',
-        html_text='HTML Email Body',
-        list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
-        brand_id='your brand id',
-        query_string='Your query string',
-        send_campaign=0, # default's to 0, use 1 to send email right away
-        segment_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
-        exclude_list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
-        exclude_segments_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
-        track_opens=1, # defaults to 1, set to 0 do disable
-        track_clicks=1, 
-    )
+   api.create_campaign(
+       from_name='Your Name',
+       from_email='Your Sender Email',
+       reply_to='Your Reply-to Email',
+       title='Your Email Title',
+       subject='Your Email Subject',
+       plain_text='Plain Text Email Body',
+       html_text='HTML Email Body',
+       list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
+       brand_id='your brand id',
+       query_string='Your query string',
+       send_campaign=0, # default's to 0, use 1 to send email right away
+       segment_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
+       exclude_list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
+       exclude_segments_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
+       track_opens=1, # defaults to 1, set to 0 do disable
+       track_clicks=1, 
+       "query_string"='extra data',
+       "schedule_date_time"='June 15, 2021 6:05pm',
+       "schedule_timezone"='America/New_York',
+   )

@@ 168,14 171,14 @@ just edit your ``.hg/hgrc`` file and add
-    [email]
-    to = ~netlandish/public-inbox@lists.code.netlandish.com
+   [email]
+   to = ~netlandish/public-inbox@lists.code.netlandish.com
-    [patchbomb]
-    flagtemplate = "sendypy"
+   [patchbomb]
+   flagtemplate = "sendypy"
-    [diff]
-    git = 1
+   [diff]
+   git = 1
 We have more information on the topic here:

M sendy/__init__.py +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@ 
 name = 'sendypy'
-VERSION = (5, 0, 0, 'final', 0)
+VERSION = (5, 2, 5, 'final', 0)
 def get_version():

M sendy/api.py +8 -1
@@ 79,7 79,14 @@ class SendyAPI:
+            "query_string",
+            "schedule_date_time",
+            "schedule_timezone",
-        success_message=["Campaign created", "Campaign created and now sending"],
+        success_message=[
+            "Campaign created",
+            "Campaign created and now sending",
+            "Campaign scheduled",
+        ],