A => README.md +136 -0
@@ 0,0 1,136 @@
+sendypy [![nlshield](https://img.shields.io/badge/100%25-Netlandish-blue.svg?style=square-flat)](http://www.netlandish.com)
+Simple module to interface with the Sendy API (<https://sendy.co/api>)
+**Version:** 4.0.9
+**Author:** Peter Sanchez (<http://www.petersanchez.com>) - (<http://www.netlandish.com>)
+- It was written for Python 3.6+
+- Depends on the requests module
+- **Version 4.0.5** we're changing the version to match the version of
+ Sendy that this is most recently updated for. When Sendy introduces
+ changes that require a lib update, we will update the version to
+ match the Sendy version.
+- **Version 0.2** now requires `api_key` varaible for all API calls.
+ This is a required change to the functionality of Sendy as of
+ version 4.0.4. This is a potentially breaking code change. Please
+ update your code to always provide the API key before upgrading to
+ sendypy v0.2.
+- **Version 0.1.3b** adds the new "title" variable to the
+ `create_campaign` API call. It effects the default ordering of
+ variables in the call. If you're upgrading from a previous version
+ please ensure that you account for the new ordering of variables.
+ This new variable was added in Sendy v2.1.2.6
+ pip install sendypy
+Basic Manual Install:
+ $ python setup.py build
+ $ sudo python setup.py install
+Alternative Install (Manually):
+Place sendy directory in your Python path. Either in your Python
+installs site-packages directory or set your \$PYTHONPATH environment
+variable to include a directory where the impersonate directory lives.
+All the variables and response values are described in the [Sendy API
+Usage is simple :
+ from sendy.api import SendyAPI
+ api = SendyAPI(
+ host='https://your-sendy-install.com/sendy/',
+ api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
+ )
+You can also provide the optional `debug` variable (defaults to False).
+This will print debug into to stdout when sending a request to your
+Sendy install.
+**Subscribe** :
+ api.subscribe('list_id_here', 'email@address.com', 'optional first name', custom_field_1='value', custom_field_2='value', ...)
+*Optional fields*
+- `country`: User's 2 letter country code.
+- `ipaddress`: User's IP address.
+- `referrer`: The URL where the user signed up from.
+- `gdpr`: If you're signing up EU users in a GDPR compliant manner.
+- `hp`: Include this 'honeypot' field to prevent spambots.
+<!-- -->
+ data = {"gdpr": True, "ipaddress": "", "country": "US"}
+ api.subscribe(list_id, email, **data)
+**Unsubscribe** :
+ api.unsubscribe('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+**Delete** :
+ api.delete('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+**Subscription Status** :
+ api.subscription_status('list_id_here', 'email@address.com')
+**Subscriber Count** :
+ api.subscriber_count('list_id_here')
+**Create Campaign** :
+ api.create_campaign(
+ from_name='Your Name',
+ from_email='Your Sender Email',
+ reply_to='Your Reply-to Email',
+ title='Your Email Title',
+ subject='Your Email Subject',
+ plain_text='Plain Text Email Body',
+ html_text='HTML Email Body',
+ list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
+ brand_id='your brand id',
+ query_string='Your query string',
+ send_campaign=0, #default's to 0, use 1 to send email right away
+ segment_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
+ exclude_list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
+ exclude_segments_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
+ )
+Copyright & Warranty
+All documentation, libraries, and sample code are Copyright 2016
+Netlandish Inc., Peter Sanchez <<petersanchez@gmail.com>>. The
+library and sample code are made available to you under the terms of the
+BSD license which is contained in the included file, BSD-LICENSE.
+Commercial Support
+This software, and lots of other software like it, has been built in
+support of many of Netlandish's own projects, and the projects of our
+clients. We would love to help you on your next project so get in touch
+by dropping us a note at <hello@netlandish.com>.
M README.rst +4 -1
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@
sendypy |nlshield|
:Info: Simple module to interface with the Sendy API (https://sendy.co/api)
-:Version: 4.0.5
+:Version: 4.0.9
:Author: Peter Sanchez (http://www.petersanchez.com) - (http://www.netlandish.com)
@@ 103,6 103,9 @@ install.
brand_id='your brand id',
query_string='Your query string',
send_campaign=0, #default's to 0, use 1 to send email right away
+ segment_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
+ exclude_list_ids='list_id_1,list_id_2,list_id_3',
+ exclude_segments_ids='segment_id_1,segment_id_2',
M sendy/__init__.py +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
name = 'sendypy'
-VERSION = (4, 0, 5, 'final', 0)
+VERSION = (4, 0, 9, 'final', 0)
def get_version():
M sendy/api.py +3 -0
@@ 74,6 74,9 @@ class SendyAPI:
+ "segment_ids",
+ "exclude_list_ids",
+ "exclude_segments_ids",
success_message=["Campaign created", "Campaign created and now sending"],
M setup.py +2 -2
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@ from setuptools import find_packages, se
if os.path.exists("README.rst"):
long_description = open("README.rst", "r").read()
- long_description = "See https://hg.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendypy"
+ long_description = "See https://code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendypy"
@@ 15,7 15,7 @@ setup(
description="Python Interface for the Sendy API",
author="Netlandish Inc.",
- url="https://hg.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendypy",
+ url="https://code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendypy",