@@ 5,7 5,7 @@
sendypy |nlshield|
:Info: Simple module to interface with the Sendy API (https://sendy.co/api)
-:Version: 0.2.0
+:Version: 0.2
:Author: Peter Sanchez (http://www.petersanchez.com) - (http://www.netlandish.com)
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ Dependencies
-* **Version 0.2.0** now requires ``api_key`` varaible for all API calls. This is a required change to the functionality of Sendy as of version 4.0.4. This is a potentially breaking code change. Please update your code to always provide the API key before upgrading to sendypy v0.2.0.
+* **Version 0.2** now requires ``api_key`` varaible for all API calls. This is a required change to the functionality of Sendy as of version 4.0.4. This is a potentially breaking code change. Please update your code to always provide the API key before upgrading to sendypy v0.2.
* **Version 0.1.3b** adds the new "title" variable to the ``create_campaign`` API call. It effects the default ordering of variables in the call. If you're upgrading from a previous version please ensure that you account for the new ordering of variables. This new variable was added in Sendy v2.1.2.6