@@ 0,0 1,1263 @@
+package accounts
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
+// EmailSafe will verify an email domain is not in the blacklist
+func EmailSafe(email string) bool {
+ at := strings.LastIndex(email, "@")
+ if at <= 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ domain := email[at+1:]
+ return true != slices.Contains(emailBlacklist, domain)
+// UsernameSafe will verify a username is not in the blacklist
+func UsernameSafe(username string) bool {
+ return true != slices.Contains(usernameBlacklist, username)
+// https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht/tree/master/item/metasrht/blacklist.py
+var emailBlacklist = []string{
+ "0815.ru",
+ "0wnd.net",
+ "0wnd.org",
+ "10minutemail.co.za",
+ "10minutemail.com",
+ "123-m.com",
+ "1fsdfdsfsdf.tk",
+ "1pad.de",
+ "20minutemail.com",
+ "21cn.com",
+ "2fdgdfgdfgdf.tk",
+ "2prong.com",
+ "30minutemail.com",
+ "33mail.com",
+ "3trtretgfrfe.tk",
+ "4gfdsgfdgfd.tk",
+ "4warding.com",
+ "5ghgfhfghfgh.tk",
+ "6hjgjhgkilkj.tk",
+ "6paq.com",
+ "7tags.com",
+ "9ox.net",
+ "a-bc.net",
+ "agedmail.com",
+ "ama-trade.de",
+ "amilegit.com",
+ "amiri.net",
+ "amiriindustries.com",
+ "anonmails.de",
+ "anonymbox.com",
+ "antichef.com",
+ "antichef.net",
+ "antireg.ru",
+ "antispam.de",
+ "antispammail.de",
+ "armyspy.com",
+ "artman-conception.com",
+ "awdrt.net",
+ "azmeil.tk",
+ "baxomale.ht.cx",
+ "beefmilk.com",
+ "bigstring.com",
+ "binkmail.com",
+ "bio-muesli.net",
+ "bobmail.info",
+ "bodhi.lawlita.com",
+ "bofthew.com",
+ "bootybay.de",
+ "boun.cr",
+ "bouncr.com",
+ "breakthru.com",
+ "brefmail.com",
+ "bsnow.net",
+ "bspamfree.org",
+ "bugmenot.com",
+ "bund.us",
+ "burstmail.info",
+ "buymoreplays.com",
+ "byom.de",
+ "c2.hu",
+ "card.zp.ua",
+ "casualdx.com",
+ "cek.pm",
+ "centermail.com",
+ "centermail.net",
+ "chammy.info",
+ "childsavetrust.org",
+ "chogmail.com",
+ "choicemail1.com",
+ "clixser.com",
+ "cmail.net",
+ "cmail.org",
+ "coldemail.info",
+ "cool.fr.nf",
+ "courriel.fr.nf",
+ "courrieltemporaire.com",
+ "crapmail.org",
+ "cust.in",
+ "cuvox.de",
+ "d3p.dk",
+ "dacoolest.com",
+ "dandikmail.com",
+ "dayrep.com",
+ "dcemail.com",
+ "deadaddress.com",
+ "deadspam.com",
+ "delikkt.de",
+ "despam.it",
+ "despammed.com",
+ "devnullmail.com",
+ "dfgh.net",
+ "digitalsanctuary.com",
+ "dingbone.com",
+ "disposableaddress.com",
+ "disposableemailaddresses.com",
+ "disposableinbox.com",
+ "dispose.it",
+ "dispostable.com",
+ "dodgeit.com",
+ "dodgit.com",
+ "donemail.ru",
+ "dontreg.com",
+ "dontsendmespam.de",
+ "drdrb.net",
+ "dump-email.info",
+ "dumpandjunk.com",
+ "dumpyemail.com",
+ "e-mail.com",
+ "e-mail.org",
+ "e4ward.com",
+ "easytrashmail.com",
+ "einmalmail.de",
+ "einrot.com",
+ "eintagsmail.de",
+ "emailgo.de",
+ "emailias.com",
+ "emaillime.com",
+ "emailsensei.com",
+ "emailtemporanea.com",
+ "emailtemporanea.net",
+ "emailtemporar.ro",
+ "emailtemporario.com.br",
+ "emailthe.net",
+ "emailtmp.com",
+ "emailwarden.com",
+ "emailx.at.hm",
+ "emailxfer.com",
+ "emeil.in",
+ "emeil.ir",
+ "emz.net",
+ "ero-tube.org",
+ "evopo.com",
+ "explodemail.com",
+ "express.net.ua",
+ "eyepaste.com",
+ "fakeinbox.com",
+ "fakeinformation.com",
+ "fansworldwide.de",
+ "fantasymail.de",
+ "fightallspam.com",
+ "filzmail.com",
+ "fivemail.de",
+ "fleckens.hu",
+ "frapmail.com",
+ "friendlymail.co.uk",
+ "fuckingduh.com",
+ "fudgerub.com",
+ "fyii.de",
+ "garliclife.com",
+ "gehensiemirnichtaufdensack.de",
+ "get2mail.fr",
+ "getairmail.com",
+ "getmails.eu",
+ "getonemail.com",
+ "giantmail.de",
+ "girlsundertheinfluence.com",
+ "gishpuppy.com",
+ "gmial.com",
+ "goemailgo.com",
+ "gotmail.net",
+ "gotmail.org",
+ "gotti.otherinbox.com",
+ "great-host.in",
+ "greensloth.com",
+ "grr.la",
+ "gsrv.co.uk",
+ "guerillamail.biz",
+ "guerillamail.com",
+ "guerrillamail.biz",
+ "guerrillamail.com",
+ "guerrillamail.de",
+ "guerrillamail.info",
+ "guerrillamail.net",
+ "guerrillamail.org",
+ "guerrillamailblock.com",
+ "gustr.com",
+ "harakirimail.com",
+ "hat-geld.de",
+ "hatespam.org",
+ "herp.in",
+ "hidemail.de",
+ "hidzz.com",
+ "hmamail.com",
+ "hopemail.biz",
+ "ieh-mail.de",
+ "ikbenspamvrij.nl",
+ "imails.info",
+ "inbax.tk",
+ "inbox.si",
+ "inboxalias.com",
+ "inboxclean.com",
+ "inboxclean.org",
+ "infocom.zp.ua",
+ "instant-mail.de",
+ "ip6.li",
+ "irish2me.com",
+ "iwi.net",
+ "jetable.com",
+ "jetable.fr.nf",
+ "jetable.net",
+ "jetable.org",
+ "jnxjn.com",
+ "jourrapide.com",
+ "jsrsolutions.com",
+ "kasmail.com",
+ "kaspop.com",
+ "killmail.com",
+ "killmail.net",
+ "klassmaster.com",
+ "klzlk.com",
+ "koszmail.pl",
+ "kurzepost.de",
+ "lawlita.com",
+ "letthemeatspam.com",
+ "lhsdv.com",
+ "lifebyfood.com",
+ "link2mail.net",
+ "litedrop.com",
+ "lol.ovpn.to",
+ "lolfreak.net",
+ "lookugly.com",
+ "lortemail.dk",
+ "lr78.com",
+ "lroid.com",
+ "lukop.dk",
+ "m21.cc",
+ "mail-filter.com",
+ "mail-temporaire.fr",
+ "mail.by",
+ "mail.mezimages.net",
+ "mail.zp.ua",
+ "mail1a.de",
+ "mail21.cc",
+ "mail2rss.org",
+ "mail333.com",
+ "mailbidon.com",
+ "mailbiz.biz",
+ "mailblocks.com",
+ "mailbucket.org",
+ "mailcat.biz",
+ "mailcatch.com",
+ "mailde.de",
+ "mailde.info",
+ "maildrop.cc",
+ "maileimer.de",
+ "mailexpire.com",
+ "mailfa.tk",
+ "mailforspam.com",
+ "mailfreeonline.com",
+ "mailguard.me",
+ "mailin8r.com",
+ "mailinater.com",
+ "mailinator.com",
+ "mailinator.net",
+ "mailinator.org",
+ "mailinator2.com",
+ "mailincubator.com",
+ "mailismagic.com",
+ "mailme.lv",
+ "mailme24.com",
+ "mailmetrash.com",
+ "mailmoat.com",
+ "mailms.com",
+ "mailnesia.com",
+ "mailnull.com",
+ "mailorg.org",
+ "mailpick.biz",
+ "mailrock.biz",
+ "mailscrap.com",
+ "mailshell.com",
+ "mailsiphon.com",
+ "mailtemp.info",
+ "mailtome.de",
+ "mailtothis.com",
+ "mailtrash.net",
+ "mailtv.net",
+ "mailtv.tv",
+ "mailzilla.com",
+ "makemetheking.com",
+ "manybrain.com",
+ "mbx.cc",
+ "mega.zik.dj",
+ "meinspamschutz.de",
+ "meltmail.com",
+ "messagebeamer.de",
+ "mezimages.net",
+ "ministry-of-silly-walks.de",
+ "mintemail.com",
+ "misterpinball.de",
+ "moncourrier.fr.nf",
+ "monemail.fr.nf",
+ "monmail.fr.nf",
+ "monumentmail.com",
+ "mt2009.com",
+ "mt2014.com",
+ "mycard.net.ua",
+ "mycleaninbox.net",
+ "mymail-in.net",
+ "mypacks.net",
+ "mypartyclip.de",
+ "myphantomemail.com",
+ "mysamp.de",
+ "mytempemail.com",
+ "mytempmail.com",
+ "mytrashmail.com",
+ "nabuma.com",
+ "neomailbox.com",
+ "nepwk.com",
+ "nervmich.net",
+ "nervtmich.net",
+ "netmails.com",
+ "netmails.net",
+ "neverbox.com",
+ "nice-4u.com",
+ "nincsmail.hu",
+ "nnh.com",
+ "no-spam.ws",
+ "noblepioneer.com",
+ "nomail.pw",
+ "nomail.xl.cx",
+ "nomail2me.com",
+ "nomorespamemails.com",
+ "nospam.ze.tc",
+ "nospam4.us",
+ "nospamfor.us",
+ "nospammail.net",
+ "notmailinator.com",
+ "nowhere.org",
+ "nowmymail.com",
+ "nurfuerspam.de",
+ "nus.edu.sg",
+ "objectmail.com",
+ "obobbo.com",
+ "odnorazovoe.ru",
+ "oneoffemail.com",
+ "onewaymail.com",
+ "onlatedotcom.info",
+ "online.ms",
+ "opayq.com",
+ "ordinaryamerican.net",
+ "otherinbox.com",
+ "ovpn.to",
+ "owlpic.com",
+ "pancakemail.com",
+ "pcusers.otherinbox.com",
+ "pjjkp.com",
+ "plexolan.de",
+ "poczta.onet.pl",
+ "politikerclub.de",
+ "poofy.org",
+ "pookmail.com",
+ "privacy.net",
+ "privatdemail.net",
+ "proxymail.eu",
+ "prtnx.com",
+ "putthisinyourspamdatabase.com",
+ "putthisinyourspamdatabase.com",
+ "qq.com",
+ "quickinbox.com",
+ "rcpt.at",
+ "reallymymail.com",
+ "realtyalerts.ca",
+ "recode.me",
+ "recursor.net",
+ "reliable-mail.com",
+ "rhyta.com",
+ "rmqkr.net",
+ "royal.net",
+ "rtrtr.com",
+ "s0ny.net",
+ "safe-mail.net",
+ "safersignup.de",
+ "safetymail.info",
+ "safetypost.de",
+ "saynotospams.com",
+ "schafmail.de",
+ "schrott-email.de",
+ "secretemail.de",
+ "secure-mail.biz",
+ "senseless-entertainment.com",
+ "services391.com",
+ "sharklasers.com",
+ "shieldemail.com",
+ "shiftmail.com",
+ "shitmail.me",
+ "shitware.nl",
+ "shmeriously.com",
+ "shortmail.net",
+ "sibmail.com",
+ "sinnlos-mail.de",
+ "slapsfromlastnight.com",
+ "slaskpost.se",
+ "smashmail.de",
+ "smellfear.com",
+ "snakemail.com",
+ "sneakemail.com",
+ "sneakmail.de",
+ "snkmail.com",
+ "sofimail.com",
+ "solvemail.info",
+ "sogetthis.com",
+ "soodonims.com",
+ "spam4.me",
+ "spamail.de",
+ "spamarrest.com",
+ "spambob.net",
+ "spambog.ru",
+ "spambox.us",
+ "spamcannon.com",
+ "spamcannon.net",
+ "spamcon.org",
+ "spamcorptastic.com",
+ "spamcowboy.com",
+ "spamcowboy.net",
+ "spamcowboy.org",
+ "spamday.com",
+ "spamex.com",
+ "spamfree.eu",
+ "spamfree24.com",
+ "spamfree24.de",
+ "spamfree24.org",
+ "spamgoes.in",
+ "spamgourmet.com",
+ "spamgourmet.net",
+ "spamgourmet.org",
+ "spamherelots.com",
+ "spamherelots.com",
+ "spamhereplease.com",
+ "spamhereplease.com",
+ "spamhole.com",
+ "spamify.com",
+ "spaml.de",
+ "spammotel.com",
+ "spamobox.com",
+ "spamslicer.com",
+ "spamspot.com",
+ "spamthis.co.uk",
+ "spamtroll.net",
+ "speed.1s.fr",
+ "spoofmail.de",
+ "stuffmail.de",
+ "super-auswahl.de",
+ "supergreatmail.com",
+ "supermailer.jp",
+ "superrito.com",
+ "superstachel.de",
+ "suremail.info",
+ "talkinator.com",
+ "teewars.org",
+ "teleworm.com",
+ "teleworm.us",
+ "temp-mail.org",
+ "temp-mail.ru",
+ "tempe-mail.com",
+ "tempemail.co.za",
+ "tempemail.com",
+ "tempemail.net",
+ "tempemail.net",
+ "tempinbox.co.uk",
+ "tempinbox.com",
+ "tempmail.eu",
+ "tempmaildemo.com",
+ "tempmailer.com",
+ "tempmailer.de",
+ "tempomail.fr",
+ "temporaryemail.net",
+ "temporaryforwarding.com",
+ "temporaryinbox.com",
+ "temporarymailaddress.com",
+ "tempthe.net",
+ "thankyou2010.com",
+ "thc.st",
+ "thelimestones.com",
+ "thisisnotmyrealemail.com",
+ "thismail.net",
+ "throwawayemailaddress.com",
+ "tilien.com",
+ "tittbit.in",
+ "tizi.com",
+ "tmailinator.com",
+ "toomail.biz",
+ "topranklist.de",
+ "tradermail.info",
+ "trash-mail.at",
+ "trash-mail.com",
+ "trash-mail.de",
+ "trash2009.com",
+ "trashdevil.com",
+ "trashemail.de",
+ "trashmail.at",
+ "trashmail.com",
+ "trashmail.de",
+ "trashmail.me",
+ "trashmail.net",
+ "trashmail.org",
+ "trashymail.com",
+ "trialmail.de",
+ "trillianpro.com",
+ "twinmail.de",
+ "tyldd.com",
+ "uggsrock.com",
+ "umail.net",
+ "uroid.com",
+ "us.af",
+ "venompen.com",
+ "veryrealemail.com",
+ "viditag.com",
+ "viralplays.com",
+ "vpn.st",
+ "vsimcard.com",
+ "vubby.com",
+ "wasteland.rfc822.org",
+ "webemail.me",
+ "weg-werf-email.de",
+ "wegwerf-emails.de",
+ "wegwerfadresse.de",
+ "wegwerfemail.com",
+ "wegwerfemail.de",
+ "wegwerfmail.de",
+ "wegwerfmail.info",
+ "wegwerfmail.net",
+ "wegwerfmail.org",
+ "wh4f.org",
+ "whyspam.me",
+ "willhackforfood.biz",
+ "willselfdestruct.com",
+ "winemaven.info",
+ "wronghead.com",
+ "www.e4ward.com",
+ "www.mailinator.com",
+ "wwwnew.eu",
+ "x.ip6.li",
+ "xagloo.com",
+ "xemaps.com",
+ "xents.com",
+ "xmaily.com",
+ "xoxy.net",
+ "yep.it",
+ "yogamaven.com",
+ "yopmail.com",
+ "yopmail.fr",
+ "yopmail.net",
+ "yourdomain.com",
+ "yuurok.com",
+ "z1p.biz",
+ "za.com",
+ "zehnminuten.de",
+ "zehnminutenmail.de",
+ "zippymail.info",
+ "zoemail.net",
+ "zomg.info",
+ // Additions:
+ "mailto.plus",
+ "fexpost.com",
+ "fexbos.ru",
+ "fexbox.org",
+ "rover.info",
+ "inpwa.com",
+ "intopwa.org",
+ "intopwa.net",
+ "intopwa.com",
+ "mailbox.in.ua",
+ "btc.glass",
+ "1secmail.com",
+ "1secmail.org",
+ "1secmail.net",
+ "relay.firefox.com",
+ "miucce.com",
+ "upived.o",
+ "biyac.com",
+ "nucleant.org",
+ "temporary-mail.net",
+ "tempr.email",
+ "discard.email",
+ "discardmail.com",
+ "discardmail.de",
+ "spambog.com",
+ "spambog.de",
+ "spambog.ru",
+ "0815.ru",
+ "knol-power.nl",
+ "freundin.ru",
+ "smashmail.de",
+ "s0ny.net",
+ "pecinan.net",
+ "budaya-tionghoa.com",
+ "lajoska.pe.hu",
+ "1mail.x24hr.com",
+ "from.onmypc.info",
+ "now.mefound.com",
+ "mowgli.jungleheart.com",
+ "pecinan.org",
+ "budayationghoa.com",
+ "CR.cloudns.asia",
+ "TLS.cloudns.asia",
+ "MSFT.cloudns.asia",
+ "B.cr.cloUdnS.asia",
+ "ssl.tls.cloudns.ASIA",
+ "sweetxxx.de",
+ "DVD.dns-cloud.net",
+ "DVD.dnsabr.com",
+ "BD.dns-cloud.net",
+ "YX.dns-cloud.net",
+ "SHIT.dns-cloud.net",
+ "SHIT.dnsabr.com",
+ "eu.dns-cloud.net",
+ "eu.dnsabr.com",
+ "asia.dnsabr.com",
+ "8.dnsabr.com",
+ "pw.8.dnsabr.com",
+ "mm.8.dnsabr.com",
+ "23.8.dnsabr.com",
+ "pecinan.com",
+ "disposable-email.ml",
+ "pw.epac.to",
+ "postheo.de",
+ "sexy.camdvr.org",
+ "Disposable.ml",
+ "888.dnS-clouD.NET",
+ "adult-work.info",
+ "trap-mail.de",
+ "gmaile.design",
+ "tempes.gq",
+ "cpmail.life",
+ "tempemail.info",
+ "coolmailcool.com",
+ "notmyemail.tech",
+ "m.cloudns.cl",
+ "twitter-sign-in.cf",
+ "anonymized.org",
+ "you.has.dating",
+ "t.woeishyang.com",
+ "blackturtle.xyz",
+ "mailg.ml",
+ "media.motornation.buzz",
+ "badlion.co.uk",
+ "mrdeeps.ml",
+ "fouadps.cf",
+ "fshare.ootech.vn",
+ "pflege-schoene-haut.de",
+ "corona.is.bullsht.dedyn.io",
+ "dristypat.com",
+ "smack.email",
+ "techwizardent.me",
+ "mrgamin.ml",
+ "mrgamin.gq",
+ "mrgamin.cf",
+ "tempmail.wizardmail.tech",
+ "mail.mrgamin.ml",
+ "kaaaxcreators.tk",
+ "mail.kaaaxcreators.tk",
+ "mail.igosad.me",
+ "maa.567map.xyz",
+ "32core.live",
+ "tokyoto.site",
+ "hidemyass.fun",
+ "solpatu.space",
+ "igosad.tech",
+ "99email.xyz",
+ "ketoblazepro.com",
+ "kost.party",
+ "0hio0ak.com",
+ "4dentalsolutions.com",
+ "ondemandemail.top",
+ "kittenemail.xyz",
+ "geneseeit.com",
+ "safeemail.xyz",
+ "virtual-generations.com",
+ "historictheology.com",
+ "speedfocus.biz",
+ "chapedia.net",
+ "meantinc.com",
+ "powerencry.com",
+ "chapedia.org",
+ "truthfinderlogin.com",
+ "chasefreedomactivate.com",
+ "wellsfargocomcardholders.com",
+ "qq.com",
+ "hostux.ninja",
+ "chitthi.in",
+ "bvhrk.com",
+ "bvhrs.com",
+ "kvhrr.com",
+ "kvhrs.com",
+ "nthrl.com",
+ "nvhrw.com",
+ "sinaite.net",
+ "1secmail.com",
+ "1secmail.org",
+ "1secmail.net",
+ "xojxe.com",
+ "yoggm.com",
+ "wwjmp.com",
+ "esiix.com",
+ "oosln.com",
+ "vddaz.com",
+ "instance-email.com",
+ "nthrw.com",
+// https://github.com/marteinn/The-Big-Username-Blacklist
+var usernameBlacklist = []string{
+ "srht",
+ "sirhat",
+ "sourcehut",
+ "sirhit",
+ "srcht",
+ "srchut",
+ ".htaccess",
+ ".htpasswd",
+ ".well_known",
+ "400",
+ "401",
+ "403",
+ "404",
+ "405",
+ "406",
+ "407",
+ "408",
+ "409",
+ "410",
+ "411",
+ "412",
+ "413",
+ "414",
+ "415",
+ "416",
+ "417",
+ "421",
+ "422",
+ "423",
+ "424",
+ "426",
+ "428",
+ "429",
+ "431",
+ "500",
+ "501",
+ "502",
+ "503",
+ "504",
+ "505",
+ "506",
+ "507",
+ "508",
+ "509",
+ "510",
+ "511",
+ "about",
+ "about_us",
+ "abuse",
+ "access",
+ "account",
+ "accounts",
+ "ad",
+ "add",
+ "admin",
+ "administration",
+ "administrator",
+ "ads",
+ "advertise",
+ "advertising",
+ "aes128_ctr",
+ "aes128_gcm",
+ "aes192_ctr",
+ "aes256_ctr",
+ "aes256_gcm",
+ "affiliate",
+ "affiliates",
+ "ajax",
+ "alert",
+ "alerts",
+ "alpha",
+ "amp",
+ "analytics",
+ "api",
+ "app",
+ "apps",
+ "asc",
+ "assets",
+ "atom",
+ "auth",
+ "authentication",
+ "authorize",
+ "autoconfig",
+ "autodiscover",
+ "avatar",
+ "backup",
+ "banner",
+ "banners",
+ "beta",
+ "billing",
+ "billings",
+ "blog",
+ "blogs",
+ "board",
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