@@ 119,6 119,31 @@ There are a few settings that the applic
This setting depends on TRELLO_BROKER_RESTRICT_IPS being set to True
+There is a single template that is used and it holds the message used to generate the comment left on the Trello card.::
+ trello_broker/update_message.txt
+By default the template contains the following::
+ Commit ```{{ changeset }}``` committed by {{ author }} with the message ```{{ commit_message }}``` - View at: {{ commit_url }}
+The following is the context that will be passed to the template::
+ context = {
+ 'author': commit['author'],
+ 'author_full': commit['raw_author'],
+ 'changeset': commit['node'],
+ 'changeset_full': commit['raw_node'],
+ 'commit_url': urljoin(base_commit_url, commit['raw_node']),
+ 'commit_message': commit['message'],
+ }
+the value of the "base_commit_url" variable is pieced together from data provided by BitBucket. It's essentially "https://bitbucket.org/username/reponame". See `BitBucket POST Hook Management <https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/POST+hook+management?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fconfluence.atlassian.com%2Fdisplay%2FBITBUCKET%2FPOST%2Bhook%2Bmanagement&application=cac>`_ docs for examples of what the JSON data looks like
Admin Actions
@@ 130,6 155,16 @@ Also included is a simple Admin Action t
:height: 229px
:target: http://all-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/broker_actions.png
+Example in Action
+Here's a simple screenshot from one of our development cards
+ .. image:: http://all-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/in_action.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: http://all-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/in_action.png
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