5f57c2aba884 — Alessio Caiazza 14 years ago
1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M README.rdoc +20 -16
@@ 1,14 1,16 @@ 
-= Redmine Github Hook
+= Redmine Bitbucket Hook
-This plugin allows you to update your local Git repositories in Redmine when changes have been pushed to Github.
+This plugin allows you to update your local Mercurial repositories in Redmine when changes have been pushed to Bitbucket.
+This plugin is a fork from Redmine Github Hook from Jakob Skjerning ( http://github.com/koppen/redmine_github_hook )
 == Description
-Redmine <http://redmine.org> has supported Git repositories for a long time, allowing you to browse your code and view your changesets directly in Redmine. For this purpose, Redmine relies on local clones of the Git repositories.
+Redmine <http://redmine.org> has supported Mercurial repositories for a long time, allowing you to browse your code and view your changesets directly in Redmine. For this purpose, Redmine relies on local clones of the Mercurial repositories.
-If your shared repository is on a remote machine - for example on Github - this unfortunately means a bit of legwork to keep the local, Redmine-accessible repository up-to-date. The common approach is to set up a cronjob that pulls in any changes with regular intervals and updates Redmine with them.
+If your shared repository is on a remote machine - for example on Bitbucket - this unfortunately means a bit of legwork to keep the local, Redmine-accessible repository up-to-date. The common approach is to set up a cronjob that pulls in any changes with regular intervals and updates Redmine with them.
-That approach works perfectly fine, but is a bit heavy-handed and cumbersome. The Redmine Github Hook plugin allows Github to notify your Redmine installation when changes have been pushed to a repository, triggering an update of your local repository and Redmine data only when it is actually necessary.
+That approach works perfectly fine, but is a bit heavy-handed and cumbersome. The Redmine Bitbucket Hook plugin allows Bitbucket to notify your Redmine installation when changes have been pushed to a repository, triggering an update of your local repository and Redmine data only when it is actually necessary.
 == Installation

@@ 17,31 19,33 @@ 1. Installing the plugin
    1. Install the json gem <http://json.rubyforge.org/> on the machine where Redmine is running.
    2. Follow the plugin installation procedure at http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Plugins.
    3. Restart your Redmine.
-   4. If you already have a local Git repository set up and working from Redmine go to step 3, otherwise continue at step 2.
+   4. If you already have a local Mercurial repository set up and working from Redmine go to step 3, otherwise continue at step 2.
-2. Adding a Git repository to a project (note, this should work whether you want to use Redmine Github Hook or not). Either follow the instructions at http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/HowTo_keep_in_sync_your_git_repository_for_redmine or the ones below:
+2. Adding a Mercurial repository to a project (note, this should work whether you want to use Redmine Bitbucket Hook or not). Either follow the instructions at http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/HowTo_keep_in_sync_your_git_repository_for_redmine or the ones below:
    1. Go to the directory on your Redmine machine where you want to keep your repository, for example /home/redmine/repositories/.
-   2. Get a clone of the repository into that location: git clone git://github.com/koppen/redmine_github_hook.git. This creates a .git directory at /home/redmine/repositories/redmine_github_hook/.git.
-   3. Open Redmine in your browser and navigate to the Settings for the project you want to add a Git repository to.
-   4. Under the Repository tab, choose Git as your SCM and enter the full path to the .git directory from step 2; /home/redmine/repositories/redmine_github_hook/.git/ . Click "Create".
+   2. Get a clone of the repository into that location: hg clone http://bitbucket.org/nolith/redmine-bitbucket. This creates a repository directory at /home/redmine/repositories/redmine-bitbucket/.
+   3. Open Redmine in your browser and navigate to the Settings for the project you want to add a Mercurial repository to.
+   4. Under the Repository tab, choose Mercurial as your SCM and enter the full path to the repository directory from step 2; /home/redmine/repositories/redmine-bitbucket/ . Click "Create".
    5. Click the new "Repository" link in the main navigation to verify that your repository integration works - this might take a while as Redmine is fetching all commits.
-3. Connecting Github to Redmine
-   1. Go to the repository Admin interface on Github.
-   2. Under "Service Hooks" add a new "Post-Receive URL" of the format: "[redmine_installation_url]/github_hook" (for example "http://example.com/github_hook").
+3. Connecting Bitbucket to Redmine
+   1. Go to the repository Admin interface on Bitbucket and click the 'Service' link on 'Additional options/settings' menu.
+   2. Under "Services Administration" add a new "POST" service.
+   3. Compile the URL field with: "[redmine_installation_url]/bitbucket_hook" (for example "http://example.com/bitbucket_hook").
-That's it. Github will now send a HTTP POST to the Redmine Github Hook plugin whenever changes are pushed to Github. The plugin then takes care of pulling the changes to the local repository and updating the Redmine database with them.
+That's it. Bitbucket will now send a HTTP POST to the Redmine Bitbucket Hook plugin whenever changes are pushed to Bitbucket. The plugin then takes care of pulling the changes to the local repository and updating the Redmine database with them.
 == Assumptions
-* Your project identifier in Redmine is the same as the project name on Github.
+* Your project identifier in Redmine is the same as the project name on Bitbucket.
 * Redmine 0.8 running on a *nix-like system.
-* Git available on the commandline.
+* Mercurial available on the commandline and the repository has the bitbucket url as a default path.
 == License
+Copyright (c) 2010 Alessio Caiazza
 Copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Skjerning
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person