@@ 301,7 301,7 @@ func gethonksbycombo(userid UserID, comb
return getsomehonks(rows, err)
func gethonksbyconvoy(userid UserID, convoy string, wanted int64) []*Honk {
- rows, err := stmtHonksByConvoy.Query(convoy, wanted, userid)
+ rows, err := stmtHonksByConvoy.Query(convoy, wanted, userid, 1000)
return getsomehonks(rows, err)
func gethonksbysearch(userid UserID, q string, wanted int64) []*Honk {
@@ 1154,7 1154,7 @@ func prepareStatements(db *sql.DB) {
select xid, convoy from honks, getthread where honks.rid <> '' and honks.rid = getthread.x
select rid, convoy from honks, getthread where honks.xid = getthread.x and rid <> ''
- ) `+selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and xid in (select x from getthread)"+limit)
+ ) `+selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and xid in (select x from getthread)"+smalllimit)
stmtHonksByOntology = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"join onts on honks.honkid = onts.honkid where honks.honkid > ? and onts.ontology = ? and (honks.userid = ? or (? = -1 and honks.whofore = 2))"+limit)
stmtSaveMeta = preparetodie(db, "insert into honkmeta (honkid, genus, json) values (?, ?, ?)")