Adding issue import script
1 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A =>
A => +144 -0
@@ 0,0 1,144 @@ 
+import json
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+import requests
+TR_NAME = "django-impersonate"
+TR_DESC = "Simple app to allow superusers to login as other (non-superuser) accounts via a quick user switch process."
+SR_ST_MAP = {
+    "new": "reported",
+    "open": "confirmed",
+    "resolved": "resolved",
+    "closed": "resolved",
+    "on hold": "pending",
+    "invalid": "resolved",
+    "duplicate": "resolved",
+    "wontfix": "resolved",
+    "new": "unresolved",
+    "open": "unresolved",
+    "resolved": "fixed",
+    "closed": "fixed",
+    "on hold": "unresolved",
+    "invalid": "invalid",
+    "duplicate": "duplicate",
+    "wontfix": "wont_fix",
+def todo_request(method, path, data=None):
+    headers = {
+        "Authorization": f"token {SR_KEY}",
+        "Content-Type": "application/json",
+    }
+    url = urljoin("", path)
+    res = requests.request(
+        method.upper(), url, json=data, headers=headers
+    ).json()
+    if "errors" in res and res["errors"]:
+        print("Error running task...\n\n")
+        print("Sent the following\n\n")
+        print(data)
+        print("\n\nErrors...\n\n")
+        print(res["errors"])
+        print("\n\n")
+        print(res)
+        input("\n\nCtrl-C to quit or any key to continue...\n")
+    return res
+def parse_tickets(data):
+    def get_comments(data, tid):
+        comments = []
+        for comment in data:
+            if comment["issue"] == tid:
+                c = {
+                    "comment": comment["content"] or "No Message",
+                    "created": comment["created_on"],
+                }
+                if comment["user"]:
+                    c[
+                        "external_id"
+                    ] = f"bitbucket:{comment['user']['display_name']}"
+                    c["external_url"] = (
+                        f""
+                        f"{{{comment['user']['account_id']}}}/"
+                    )
+                if len(c["comment"]) > 16384:
+                    c["comment"] = c["comment"][:16380]
+                if len(c["comment"]) < 3:
+                    c["comment"] = c["comment"] + " ..."
+                comments.append(c)
+        return sorted(comments, key=lambda x: x["created"])
+    issues = []
+    for issue in data["issues"]:
+        i = {
+            "title": issue["title"],
+            "created": issue["created_on"],
+        }
+        if issue["content"]:
+            i["description"] = issue["content"]
+        if issue["reporter"]:
+            i["external_id"] = f"bitbucket:{issue['reporter']['display_name']}"
+            i["external_url"] = (
+                f""
+                f"{{{issue['reporter']['account_id']}}}/"
+            )
+        i["event"] = {
+            "status": SR_ST_MAP[issue["status"]],
+            "resolution": SR_RES_MAP[issue["status"]],
+        }
+        i["comments"] = get_comments(data["comments"], issue["id"])
+        issues.append(i)
+    return sorted(issues, key=lambda x: x["created"])
+def main():
+    data = json.load(open("db-2.0.json"))
+    issues = parse_tickets(data)
+    print(json.dumps(issues, indent=4))
+    # Create tracker
+    print(f"\n\nCreating tracker {TR_NAME}")
+    tr = {
+        "name": TR_NAME,
+        "description": TR_DESC,
+    }
+    res = todo_request("POST", "/api/trackers", tr)
+    print(res)
+    # Create issues
+    for issue in issues:
+        event = issue.pop("event")
+        comments = issue.pop("comments")
+        print(f"\n\nCreating issue {issue['title']}...")
+        res = todo_request("POST", f"/api/trackers/{TR_NAME}/tickets", issue)
+        print(res)
+        ticket_id = res["id"]
+        print(f"Setting status and resolution...")
+        res = todo_request(
+            "PUT", f"/api/trackers/{TR_NAME}/tickets/{ticket_id}", event
+        )
+        print(res)
+        print("Sending comments...")
+        for comment in comments:
+            print(f"Sending {comment['comment']}...")
+            res = todo_request(
+                "PUT", f"/api/trackers/{TR_NAME}/tickets/{ticket_id}", comment
+            )
+            print(res)
+            print("\n\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()