1 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

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+sendygo [![nlshield](https://img.shields.io/badge/100%25-Netlandish-blue.svg?style=square-flat)](http://www.netlandish.com) 
+A simple Go client to interface with the Sendy API (<https://sendy.co/api>)
+**Version:** 0.1.0
+**Sendy API Version:** 6.0.3
+**Author** Netlandish (<http://www.netlandish.com>)
+# Dependencies
+- It was written for Go 1.18+
+- No external dependencies are required
+# Installation 
+    go get hg.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendygo
+# Use
+All the variables and response values are described in the [Sendy API
+Usage is simple:
+    import "hg.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/sendygo" 
+    baseURL := "https://your-sendy-install.com/sendy/"
+    apiKey := "YOUR_API_KEY"
+    debug := true
+    client := sendy.NewClient(baseURL, apiKey, debug)
+**Subscribe** :
+        err := client.Subscribe(sendy.SusbcribeParams{
+            List:     "list id here",
+            Email:    "email@address.com",
+            Name:     "Name",
+            Country:  "NI",
+            Referrer: "https://webpage.com",
+            GDPR:     true,
+        })
+- `Email`: user's email
+- `List`: the list id you want to subscribe a user to
+- `Name`: user's name (optional)
+- `Country`: user's 2 letter country code (optional)
+- `IPAddress`: user's IP address (optional)
+- `Referrer`: the URL where the user signed up from (optional)
+- `GDPR`: if you're signing up EU users in a GDPR compliant manner, set this to "true" (optional)
+- `Silent`: set to true if your list is 'Double opt-in' but you want to bypass that and signup the user to the list as 'Single Opt-in instead' (optional)
+- `HP`: include this 'honeypot' field to prevent spambots from signing up via this API call. (optional)
+**Unsubscribe** :
+        err := client.Unsubscribe(sendy.UnsusbcribeParams{
+            List:     "list id here",
+            Email:    "email@address.com",
+        })
+**Delete** :
+        err := client.DeleteSubscriber(sendy.ActionParams{
+            List:     "list id here",
+            Email:    "email@address.com",
+        })
+**Subscription Status** :
+        status, err = client.SubscriptionStatus(&sendy.ActionParams{
+            List:     "list id here",
+            Email:    "email@address.com",
+        })
+**Subscriber Count** :
+		count, err := client.SubscriberCount(sendy.ActionParams{
+            List:     "list id here",
+		})
+**Create Campaign** :
+	action, err := client.CreateCampaign(sendy.CreateCampaignParams{
+		FromName:           "Your Name",
+		FromEmail:          "Your Sender Email",
+		ReplyTo:            "Your Reply-to Email",
+		Title:              "Email Title",
+		Subject:            "Email Subject",
+		PlainText:          "Plain text for the email",
+		HTMLText:           "<p>Html format for the email</p>",
+		ListIDS:            "listIDOne,listIDTwo,listIDThree",
+		BrandID:            "Your Brand ID",
+		QueryString:        "Your Query String",
+		SendCampaign:       1,
+		SegmentIDS:         "SegmentOne, SegmentTwo",
+		ExcludeListIDS:     "listIDOne,listIDTwo,listIDThree",
+		ExcludeSegmentsIDS: "SegmentOne, SegmentTwo",
+		TrackOpens:         1,
+		TrackClicks:        1,
+		ScheduleDateTime:   "June 15, 2023 6:05pm",
+		ScheduleTimeZone:   "America/New_York",
+	})
+# Contributing
+We accept patches submitted via `hg email` which is the `patchbomb` extension
+included with Mercurial.
+Please see our [contributing document][cdoc] for more information.
+The mailing list where you submit your patches is
+`~netlandish/public-inbox@lists.code.netlandish.com`. You can also view the
+archives on the web here:
+To quickly setup your clone of `sendygo` to submit to the mailing
+list just edit your `.hg/hgrc` file and add the following:
+    [email]
+    to = ~netlandish/public-inbox@lists.code.netlandish.com
+    [patchbomb]
+    flagtemplate = {separate(' ', 'sendygo', flags)}
+    [diff]
+    git = 1
+We have more information on the topic here:
+- [Contributing][cdoc]
+- [Using email with Mercurial][hgemail]
+- [Mailing list etiquette][etiquette]
+[etiquette]: https://man.code.netlandish.com/lists/etiquette.md
+[hgemail]: https://man.code.netlandish.com/hg/email.md
+[cdoc]: https://man.code.netlandish.com/contributing.md
+# Copyright & Warranty
+All documentation, libraries, and sample code are Copyright 2022
+Netlandish Inc. &lt;<hello@netlandish.com>&gt;. The
+library and sample code are made available to you under the terms of the
+BSD license which is contained in the included file, LICENSE.
+# Commercial Support
+This software, and lots of other software like it, has been built in
+support of many of Netlandish's own projects, and the projects of our
+clients. We would love to help you on your next project so get in touch
+by dropping us a note at <hello@netlandish.com>.