adding basic docs to README.rst
1 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M README.rst +118 -1
@@ 1,5 1,122 @@ 
+:Info: Python module to interface with the XML API
+:Version: 0.1
+:Author: Netlandish Inc. (
+* Python +2.7.3
+    pip install py-kunaki
+Basic Manual Install::
+    $ python build
+    $ sudo python install
+Alternative Install (Manually):
+| Place kunaki directory in your Python path. Either in your Python installs site-packages directory or set your $PYTHONPATH environment variable to include a directory where the webutils directory lives.
+Please first refer to Kunaki XML Web Service documentation:
+**Get shipping options for a prospective order**::
+    from kunaki import ShippingProduct, ShippingOptions
+    product1 = ShippingProduct(product_id='XZZ1111111', quantity=2)
+    product2 = ShippingProduct(product_id='PXZZ111112', quantity=3)
+    shipping_opts = ShippingOptions(
+        country='United States',
+        state='NY',
+        postal_code='10004',
+        products=[product1, product2],
+    )
+    # Optionally add a product
+    shipping_opts.add_product(ShippingProduct(product_id='PXZZ111111', quantity=1))
+    # Submit the shipping options request
+    shipping_opts.send()
+    if shipping_opts.success:
+        # Retrieve options list
+        options = shipping_opts.get_options()
+        for opt in options:
+            print 'Description:', opt[0]
+            print 'Delivery Time:', opt[1]
+            print 'Price:', opt[2]
+    else:
+        print 'Error:', shipping_opts.error_msg
+**Request to manufacture and fulfill an order**::
+    from kunaki import ShippingProduct, Order
+    products = [
+        ShippingProduct(product_id='XZZ1111111', quantity=2),
+        ShippingProduct(product_id='PXZZ111112', quantity=3),
+    ]
+    order = Order(
+        username='',
+        password='Rednose',
+        name='John Smith',
+        address1='215 Maple Street',
+        address2='Room 134',
+        city='New York',
+        postal_code='10004',
+        country='United States',
+        shipping_description='USPS Priority Mail',
+        products=products,
+        state='NY',
+        company='Smith Enterprises',
+    )
+    # Optionally add a product
+    order.add_product(ShippingProduct(product_id='PXZZ111111', quantity=1))
+    # Submit the order request
+    order.send()
+    if order.success:
+        print 'Order Id:', order.order_id
+    else:
+        print 'Error:', order.error_msg
+**Request for an order status**::
+    from kunaki import OrderStatus
+    order_status = OrderStatus(
+        username='',
+        password='Rednose',
+        order_id='567129',
+    )
+    if order_status.success:
+        print 'Status:', order_status.status
+        print 'Tracking Type:', order_status.tracking_type
+        print 'Tracking Id:', order_status.tracking_id
+    else:
+        print 'Error:', order_status.error_msg
 Commercial Support
 This app, and many others like it, have been built in support of many of Netlandish's
 own sites, and sites of our clients. We would love to help you on your next project